Medicare Misty Is A Non-Governmental Agency
Not affiliated by, or endorsed by any governmental agency! We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

Advantage For Veterans
Medicare Advantage can be combined with VA benefits to provide complete medical coverage to veterans. It is a great option for those who need a lot of healthcare at a low cost.

VA benefits cover specified hospitals, physical exams, prescriptions, etc. Veterans often find, however, that these benefits do not cover all of their needs. In that case, a Medicare Advantage plan is a better method of coverage.
With both plans, you may choose to use either to supplement the other if something is not covered. The perks of combining these plans include:
Free or Low-Cost Healthcare
Prescription Drug Coverage
Low Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Large Selection of Doctors and Hospitals
Extra Benefits and Services Such as Vision and Dental
Free Doctor’s Visits, Exams, etc.
Adding Advantage for Veterans to your current insurance right away may save you from future coverage gaps and penalties. Because VA health coverage isn’t guaranteed to last forever, you may find yourself without coverage and, without a Medicare plan to fulfill that need, you may be temporarily without coverage.

Listen Now!
Freedom Sings USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Chattanooga and Nashville, TN.
We pair professional songwriters with veterans, active military and their families to help them tell their stories through song.
The song below was written by Misty's husband and was written about his time in the military.
MedicareMisty sponsors the CD.