Medicare Misty Is A Non-Governmental Agency
Not affiliated by, or endorsed by any governmental agency! We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
Medicare & Employer Coverage
If you or your spouse are eligible for Medicare and currently working, you have the option to combine both forms of coverage. This combination is extremely beneficial—many, however, miss out on this additional coverage option because of confusion and misunderstanding.
Understanding Employer Coverage
Your Medicare coverage, when combined with your employer’s, will look different than traditional Medicare. Medicare will function either as your primary or secondary insurer in relation to your employer insurance.
The size of your employer will determine the role of your Medicare insurance:
20 Employees or Less means that Medicare is your default primary insurance provider over your employer coverage. This will look similar to traditional Medicare coverage.
20 or More Employees means that Medicare is your default secondary insurance.
Large Employer Coverage
If your company is made up of 20 or more employees, your Medicare plan will act as your secondary insurance. You will still be required to pay premiums for Parts B and D, but your employer will put money towards your deductible and out-of-pocket costs.
In many cases, the coverage offered by certain Medicare plans is already available in your employer coverage. Be sure to review both plans to know what coverage you will need from Medicare in addition to your employer coverage.
If you are receiving Medicare and employer coverage, you are able to delay your enrollment to Parts B and D till your retirement with no penalty. Upon leaving your group insurance, you will receive a creditable coverage letter that you will need to avoid late enrollment fees for Parts B and D.
Primary Coverage
Medicare will automatically be used secondary over your primary employer insurance in larger companies. However, if your employer coverage costs considerably more than Medicare as your primary, it may be beneficial to switch them.
MedicareMisty has a plan perfect for you. Whether you need Medicare as your secondary or primary insurer, we have the information and team of experts you need. If you would like a free, personalized quote, call us or have us reach out to you today.